

2018 日日 / 錄像裝置

Not Yet Set / 2300   at Hotel Pro Forma (Copenhagen , Denmark)


未來自然再生能源與稀有物種保存天然燈光裝置 Future Sustainability and renewable energy nature light installation.


SENSES is an art series convey social phenomenon by using the five senses of human. 感官系列為一系列由人的五感而衍伸出探討社會現象的藝術作品。


SENSES PART 1. PUPIL  感官系列之一: 瞳孔  Interactive Video Installation 互動錄像裝置/2014

The hole, is a temptation for sensation. Just like media to us.

This project is the senses part 1, about our eyes. how we see received and perceived the media that we exposed to. By looking through the holes from the box, you can see the  same videos that reflects into different images because of the kaleidoscope like mirror inside. Just like the kaleidoscope of information that we received in the reality, it twisted by how it conveyed and how we perceived. Although we are the subjective viewers, we already stuck in a preset restriction. 

The installation is an interactive video installation which includes a wooden box and a black and white TV which got the concept from the traditional rare show to compare the nowadays media and traditional one.

洞, 是一種感官的誘惑,像媒體之於我們。

此一作品為感官系列之一視覺: 瞳孔。為一錄像互動裝置。 裝置包含一個主體木箱,




2015  The Moment Exhibition, New York Hall of Science, New York City.

2014  Zero Boundaries Exhibition, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, New York City. 

SENSES PART 2. TOUCH  感官系列之二: 觸  Interactive Experimental Animation  互動型實驗動畫 / 2015

How we touch each other depends on how we felt, but what we felt at the same time might not be the same.

Touch is a window for people to convey the existence of itself to each other with substantial feelings. By the moment of touch, it can cause different feelings and conclusions. There are a lot of invisible hands in this society, and also in the real life. People can be influenced by the way we touch, which cause a butterfly effect that made the whole story differently.

Zero Boundaries Projection Mapping Opening  零界限3D 立體光雕投影 

/Manhattan New York 2014/